The graphic arts antiquarian bookshop at Gendarmenmarkt, which had a long tradition of being run jointly after the death of Karl Düssel, no longer exists as a joint shop between the three brothers.

All engravings, graphics and contemporary works of art are of course, as usual, originals.

Maps/Landkarten Spanien

The catalog contains 3 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.

Subject, Author, Title, Bibliography
Andalusien Valk Andalusien: Andalucia: Spanien: Espana: Valk: “Andaluzia continents Sevillam et Cordubam” Kupferstich von Gerard Valk, ca. 1690. 38 x 50 cm, etwas flauer Druck, oben rechts leichte knickfalte, sonst gut erhalten. Somewhat faint impression, slight crease at upper right, otherwise in good condition.

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290,--  Order
Gibraltar Homann Gibraltar Karte, Kupferstich, Homann. Neuester und exacter Plan und Prospect von der Stadt, Vestung, Bay und Fortifikation von Gibraltar. Altkolorierter Kupferstich bei Homann Erben in Nürnberg erschienen, datiert 1733. 48 x 58 cm, unten am Rand kleiner Einriß von 1,5 cm, wenige Gebrauchsspuren, insgesamt gut erhalten, schönes kolorit.

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500,--  Order
Spanien & Portugal Weigel Spain & Portugal: Spanien: “Hispaniae et Portugaliae Regna” Weigel/Köhler, Kupferstich bei Christian Weigel, 1718. 27 x 34 cm, wenig fleckig, sonst gut erhalten. Un poco manchado, por lo demás en buen estado. Joh. David Köhler Bequemer Schul = und Reisen = Atlas

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250,--  Order
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The graphic arts antiquarian bookshop at Gendarmenmarkt, which had a long tradition of being run jointly after the death of Karl Düssel, no longer exists as a joint shop between the three brothers.