In the late 1940s, my grandfather Anton Düssel held his first small book and graphic auction in Düsseldorf.

My collections of old city views, maps, architectural, botanical and other decorative graphics, paired with modern art and lithographs, among others by Chagall, Braque, Miró, Picasso and Zille.


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Subject, Author, Title, Bibliography
Wohlau Scultetus Niederschlesien: Wohlau: Scultetus. Ducatus Silesiae Wolanus Authore Jona Sculteto. Altkolorierter Kupferstich nach Jonas Scultetus bei J. Janssonius, um 1650. 39 x 49 cm. Auf der Rückseite alte Montagereste von alter Rahmung, sonst gut erhalten.

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230,--  Order
Sizilien Goos Ortelius Janssonius Sizilien: Kupferstich: Sicilia: Sicilae Veteris Typus Amstelodami Apud Joannen Janssonium. Kolorierter Kupferstich von A. Goos nach A. Ortelius bei Janssonius erschienen, um 1641-1650. 38 x 48 cm. 48,5 x 59 cm. Das Kolorit ist neu, einige restaurierte Einriße am Rand. Insgesamt prima erhalten. Broecke Nr. 211.

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600,--  Order
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old book Stiche Düssel library download books Jason Düssel

The graphic arts antiquarian bookshop at Gendarmenmarkt, which had a long tradition of being run jointly after the death of Karl Düssel, no longer exists as a joint shop between the three brothers.