My collections of old city views, maps, architectural, botanical and other decorative graphics, paired with modern art and lithographs, among others by Chagall, Braque, Miró, Picasso and Zille.

Later, until the early 1980s, he had his antiquarian bookshop in Cologne.

Rumänien, Siebenbürgen – Transilvania.

Rumänien, Siebenbürgen - Transilvania.

Rumänien: Siebenbürgen: Ortelius. Transilvania. Kolorierter Kupferstich von Abraham Ortelius nach Johannes Sambucus, Antwerpen 1603. 32,8 x 45 cm. Broecke-Ortelius Nr. 153.

Mit lat. Rückentext. 100.

Our Price: EUR 550,-- 

Rumänien 2

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old book antiquarian Karl Düssel collect ZVAB collection

Later, until the early 1980s, he had his antiquarian bookshop in Cologne.