My collections of old city views, maps, architectural, botanical and other decorative graphics, paired with modern art and lithographs, among others by Chagall, Braque, Miró, Picasso and Zille.

The graphic arts antiquarian bookshop at Gendarmenmarkt, which had a long tradition of being run jointly after the death of Karl Düssel, no longer exists as a joint shop between the three brothers.


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Potsdam Haun Potsdam: Böttcherberge: Haun: Blick auf Potsdam vom Böttcherberge. ( Hinter dem Glienicker Caffeehause ) altkolorierte eiweißgehöhte Lithografie von und nach A. Haun gedruckt von Hölzer bei Delius. Um 1850, bei Otto Janke in Potsdam erschienen. Bildformat: 33,5 x 44,5 cm Blattformat: 49 x 68 cm. Gut erhalten.

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The graphic arts antiquarian bookshop at Gendarmenmarkt, which had a long tradition of being run jointly after the death of Karl Düssel, no longer exists as a joint shop between the three brothers.